WhoshouldIsee Tracks

Industry Spotlights

How might an accommodation company benefit from R&D tax relief?


How might an Aerospace company benefit from R&D tax relief?


Agriculture (R&D)


How might an analytics company qualify for R&D tax relief?


How might an apparel company benefit from R&D tax relief?



App Development

How might an arborist company benefit from R&D tax relief?


How might an Bridge Construction company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Bridge Construction

How might a brewery benefit from R&D tax relief?


How might a butchery company qualify for R&D tax relief?


How might a CAD/CAM company benefit from R&D tax relief?​


How might a Carpentry Company benefit from R&D tax relief?


Chemistry RD 2 2


How might a Clinical Diagnostics Company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Clinical Diagnostics

How might a CNC Machine company benefit from R&D tax relief?

CNC Machine

How might a Construction company benefit from R&D tax relief?


How might a Cosmetics company qualify for R&D tax relief?


Digital Advertising R&D 2

Digital Advertising

How might a Digital Security company qualify for R&D tax relief?

Digital Security

How might an electrical installer or distributor qualify for R&D tax relief?

Electrical Distribution

How might an Entertainment company benefit from R&D tax relief?


How might Fire Safety Company qualify for R&D tax relief?

Fire Safety

Fishing in (R&D)


How might food production qualify for R&D tax relief?

Food Production

How might a forestry company qualify for R&D tax relief?


How might a Furniture company benefit from R&D tax relief?


FinTech (R&D)


How might a gaming company qualify for R&D tax relief?

Game Development

How might Healthcare companies qualify for R&D tax relief?​


How might Heating and Ventilation benefit from R&D tax relief?

Heating and Ventilation

How might a Information/Data Management benefit from R&D tax relief?

Information/Data Management

How might an injection moulding company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Injection Moulding

How might a life science company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Life Science

How might a Masonry company benefit from R&D tax relief?


R&D Marine Engineering

Marine Engineering

How might a Material Handling company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Material Handling

Mining and Quarrying RD 2

Mining and Quarrying

How might Motor Vehicle companies qualify for R&D tax relief?

Motor Vehicles

Nanotechnology RD


How might Packaging companies qualify for R&D tax relief?

Packaging Companies

How might a Petrol & Diesel company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Petrol & Diesel

How might a Pharmaceutical Company qualify for R&D tax relief?


How might a plumbing company benefit from R&D tax relief?


Precision Engineering (R&D)

Precision Engineering

Printing RD 3


How might real estate qualify for R&D tax relief?

Real Estate

How might a restaurants qualify for R&D tax relief?


How might a soft drinks company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Soft Drinks

How might a steam & air conditioning benefit from R&D tax relief?

Steam & Air Conditioning

Solar Panels R&D

Solar Panels

Solar Power R&D

Solar Power

How might a storage company benefit from R&D tax relief?


How might Telecommunications companies qualify for R&D tax relief?


How might a Tool and Die Company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Tool and Die

How might traffic management companies qualify for R&D tax relief?

Traffic Management

How might a transport company benefit from R&D tax relief?


How might a waste management benefit from R&D tax relief?​

Waste Management

How might a water and sewage company benefit from R&D tax relief?​

Water and Sewage

How might Wealth Management companies qualify for R&D tax relief?

Wealth Management

How might web design companies qualify for R&D tax relief?

Web Design

Winery R&D 2


How might Wind Propulsion Companies qualify for R&D?

Wind Propulsion

How might Wind Turbine Companies qualify for R&D?

Wind Turbine

How might a zero waste company benefit from R&D tax relief?

Zero Waste Shops

How might a Insurance company benefit from R&D tax relief?
