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R&D in Digital Security companies

Industry Spotlight

How might a Digital Security Company qualify for R&D tax relief?

A digital security company engaged in research and development (R&D) activity typically focuses on developing new technologies or improving existing ones to protect against digital threats and cyber-attacks.
Here are some examples of how a digital security company might carry out R&D activity

A digital security company might conduct research in the field of cryptography to develop new algorithms or protocols for secure communications, data storage, or authentication.

R&D can contribute to the development of robust IAM solutions, including multi-factor authentication, role-based access controls and identity verification mechanisms. This ensures only authorized individuals have access to sensitive resources.

A digital security company might develop new incident response procedures or improve existing ones. This could involve developing playbooks, training staff, or conducting simulations to prepare for cyber incidents

A digital security company might conduct malware analysis to identify and understand new strains of malware. This could involve analysing code, behaviour, or network traffic associated with malware.

A digital security company might conduct penetration testing to identify weaknesses in an organisation’s security posture. This testing could involve simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities that need to be addressed

A digital security company might develop new security products or improve existing ones. This could involve developing new software or hardware solutions for threat detection, prevention, or response

A digital security company might gather and analyse threat intelligence data to identify new and emerging threats. This could involve monitoring underground forums, social media, or other sources of threat intelligence

A digital security company might conduct vulnerability research to identify weaknesses in software or hardware that could be exploited by cyber-criminals. This research could involve reverse engineering, code analysis, or other techniques.

R&D can explore the application of blockchain technology and decentralized security models to enhance data integrity, privacy and resilience. 

This includes developing blockchain-based authentication, secure transactions, and decentralized identity solutions.

Doing anything innovative or industry advancing?

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Has your company engaged in this type of activity in the past?​

If you believe your digital security company could benefit from R&D tax relief, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the complexities of research and development tax relief and ensure that you receive the maximum benefit for your innovative work.

Get in touch today to book a FREE discovery call.

R&D Tax Relief

From initial discovery call and information gathering through to claim preparation, supporting documentation and submission. We're your expert partner in R&D tax relief submissions.


For larger companies we can support claim preparations under the RDEC (Research & Development Expenditure Credit) scheme, ensuring robust, defensible and maximised claims .

HMRC Enquiry Support

We'll liaise with HMRC on your behalf, ensuring no unnecessary delays on receiving your claim and no unfair reductions. This service is provided as standard for our clients.

R&D Claim Review

If you're making an R&D tax relief claim, our team can help ensure you're compliant with the latest legislation and identify any potential claim uplift. Speak to our team for more information.

Partner Program

If you work with innovative businesses and you're interested in partnering with us to ensure your clients are maximising their R&D tax relief, speak to our partner program lead.

Accountancy Services

Through BC&A Chartered Accountants, we offer a range of accountancy services including company formations, business planning, taxation and compliance services and more.